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David Fanning, Principal
Spring Break April 22nd 2024 to April 30th 2024 (School Closed). School Reopens Wednesday May 1st 2024.

APRCHS Town Hall Recap

Frequently Asked Questions from APRCHS Town Hall 07/20/20
1) What happens when students show up on the wrong day?

2) Is the remote learning synchronous and if so, what are the hours?

3) Mulgrew said that 60% (of teachers) will remain remote learning. Will teachers be required to do both in school instruction and remote learning?

4) Will there be team sports (PSAL)?

5) Will students or staff/faculty be subjected to testing when entering the building (i.e. temperature checks, etc) ?

6) Mr. Mulgrew said that iLearn and edmentum are not working and will not be required in September. Will teachers/school communities be able to choose to use other platforms like Google Classroom?

7) If a student refuses to continually wear a mask, how will it be enforced?

8) Will the students be moving around from classroom to classroom as in regular school day? If so, how are we preventing contamination in the classrooms? Will teachers have access to disinfectant? Will teachers or students be asked to disinfect student desks each period? What PPE equipment will schools and teachers be provided with by the NYCDOE? What supplies are schools required to purchase themselves?

9) What happens if a teacher or student tests positive?

10) Will students have the same teacher for in person instruction and for the remote learning portion in the blended schedule?