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David Fanning, Principal
Wishing Our students a good rest and study hours for the Uniform assessments starting Jan. 14th, 2025
Students » Student Cell Phone Policy

Student Cell Phone Policy


Cell phones and other electronic devices

Acceptable use policy


As per Chancellor’s regulation A-413.II.A[1] students at A. Philip Randolph Campus High School (APRCHS) may bring cell phones and other electronic devices with them to school provided they abide by the following guidelines:


  • While in the classrooms, gymnasium, or laboratories; cellular phones and other portable electronic devices may not be used, be silenced, and remain in the student’s pocket, purse, or book bag unless specifically permitted by the teacher for academic use.
  • Families authorize students to bring cellular phones and other electronic devices to school at their own discretion and risk. APRCHS neither requires nor encourages students to bring these devices to school. Cellular phones and other portable electronic devices often have high cash values and are often targets for theft. Neither the NYCDOE nor APRCHS are responsible for cellular phones or other portable electronic devices that are stolen, broken, or lost on school premises.
  • Cellular phones and other portable electronic devices may be used in the student cafeteria, and the main lobby. Students should not use their cellphones while travelling through the hallways or staircases as this behavior poses a safety hazard and encourages theft.
  • Cellular phones and other portable electronic devices may not be used in the library, the auditorium, the bathrooms, or the locker room.
  • Cellular phones may not be used during fire drills or other emergency preparedness exercises.
  • Cellular phones and other electronic devices may not be used during any school quiz, test, or examination without the prior written consent of the teacher of the class and the prior written approval of the building administration.
  •  No member of the APRCHS school community may use a cellular phone or portable electronic device to record the image or voice of the students, parents, Faculty, Administration, or Staff without prior written consent from the Principal’s Office. This policy specifically excludes the NYCDOE IPDVS Camera system which will record the image of all members of the school community in public spaces. This policy also excludes school events for which some students have elected to sign media consent forms.
  • Students found to be in violation of the APRCHS cell phones and other electronic devices acceptable use policy will be subject to disciplinary charges for insubordination. These disciplinary charges may lead to letters to be placed on the student’s permanent record, parental conferences, confiscation of the cell phone or portable electronic device and possible suspension from school.
  • In the event that a cellular phone or portable electronic device is taken by a member of the school Faculty of Staff the following procedure will be followed:
  • The Faculty or Staff member is to turn the device into the Dean’s Office (212/257) or Main Office as soon as reasonably possible but no later than the end of the school day (2:20 PM).
  • Students may pick up a receipt for the confiscated materials at the Deans Office (212) once the materials have been received
  • The Dean’s Office will make parental contact by 3 PM to notify the parent of the seizure and the times that the parent may come to pick up the device. Confiscated cellular phones and portable electronic devices may be picked up from the Dean’s Office between 8 AM and 3 PM on all school days provided that the parents have called and made an appointment to come pick the device up.
  • Students may not charge their cellphones and other electronic devices while on school premises. Leaving these devices unattended greatly increases the chances that they will be lost, stolen, or damaged.
  • During the administration of all city, state, or federal standardized exams all student must surrender their cell phones or portable electronic devices upon entry to the exam room. Failure to surrender cellular phones or electronic devices could result in disqualification of the student’s exam.


[1] Chancellor’s Regulation A-413: