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David Fanning, Principal
Wishing Our students a good rest and study hours for the Uniform assessments starting Jan. 14th, 2025
Parents » Parent Coordinator

Parent Coordinator

I strongly believe parents who are informed best ensure the success of their child. Therefore, it is important that you support your child and the school. The school mission is to provide the student with a well-rounded education and sound foundation for the future. Together we can accomplish our mission and much more.

Parent involvement is one of the most important tools in building a school that prepares our children for the new millennium. Our children are depending on us to support programs that set the direction for improving instruction and educational services so they are better prepared to face challenges of the world. Your participation in our school demonstrates that you care and want the best for your child.

Throughout the school term, we will be conducting workshops to help parents/guardians learn how families can access achievement data about their children and the school and many other workshops. You will also find a wealth of engaging information on the website as well as tools to communicate effectively with teachers and staff. Please make it work for you and your child.

Here are a few tips on how you can help your child to have success in high school and in life:
  • Know your child’s Guidance Counselor
  • Update the school with your current telephone number and home address.
  • Set academic goals.
  • Students must attend school daily.
  • Parents should see all PROGRESS REPORTS and REPORT CARDS. (Report Cards are issued every 6 weeks.)
  • Support your child’s school.
  • Attend parent-teacher conference.
Please feel free to contact via e-mail or by telephone. I look forward in working with your as we strive to promote your child’s educational growth as well as personal growth.

Warm wishes,

Anaja Kennedy-Harris
Parent Coordinator
212.690.6800, Ext: 1582